Real-Time/Manual Vibration Monitoring
Geoscan provides Real-Time/Manual vibration monitoring for a variety of industries including construction (BCA Construction Vibration Measurement), Health and Safety as well as wafer fabrication industries. With the aid of our acoustics and vibration consultant, we can provide you with a full spectrum of services ranging from data monitoring to reporting acoustics/vibration issues to consultancy services. Geoscan has been actively working hand in hand with the Singapore scientific community to research on better ways to measure ground vibrations.
Every instrument that is utilised and supplied by Geoscan is calibrated at and also certified by our affiliate’s ISO 17025 compliant laboratory. This effectively guarantees that every instrument is capable of precise and reliable measurements.
In addition, Geoscan also provides Real-Time/Manual vibration monitoring instruments for the following projects:
- BCA Construction Vibration Measurement
- Micro-Vibration Measurement for Wafer Fabrication or Hospitals
- Seismic (Earthquake Tremor) Measurement
For existing clients, please access our 4G technology-enabled real time monitoring system via switching to our Online Monitoring System tab or visiting http://realtime.geoscanrealtime.com